Friday, November 12, 2010

Pardon Me, the Back Side of Your House is Missing

This is what happens when the Pres is off work. He tore out the back wall and took the door off too yesterday. The laundry room is open to the world! The Pres began tearing the laundry room up and putting new walls in it a few months ago. But naturally as soon as he began this project, he was sent halfway around the world. Happily, now that he's home safe he is back to work doing his favorite thing: making things better around here one board, one cut, one screw at a time.


  1. It's good to see this picture so I don't have to make it up in my mind!! Can't wait to see the finished project!

  2. It's looking great. There's a new door, a new window for much better visibility, and new back wall to boot. More pics soon...
