Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Yesterday while I was making dinner one of my cuticles started to bleed so I asked Fidget to run upstairs and get me a Band aid. It wasn't long before I heard a bang at the front door. I immediately thought she'd  hit the door with her head. We've gone through stitches in her head twice already so I was expecting the third. But when I came out there it turned out she'd slid on the rug  and caught herself with her hand, and broke a window in the door.

It was one of those times as a parent where I was so relieved I felt like crying. Fidget started crying right away not because she was hurt, but because she broke one of the little windows. It's just a window, I kept telling her. I prayed with her there on the rug by the front door, so thankful that she is all right. The stained glass-looking window film I put on a couple years ago apparently kept her from being hurt at the same time that it took the force of her fall and didn't let the glass shatter out. Phew! By the time I knew the danger, the trouble was over.

Those windows are small. The whole thing could have been much worse. But it wasn't. It wasn't bad at all. Fidget didn't get one cut. It made me so thankful to belong to the God who sees and knows all.

I have set the LORD always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.  Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure..  Psalm 16:8-9


  1. Oh Goodness! So glad she wasn't cut! ;-)

  2. She likes to keep it interesting around here. :)

  3. Thanks Daniel, feel free to check back and see what we're up to often, or click the Follow button! :)
