Sunday, May 22, 2011

Daily Bread

One of my favorite ways to love my family to nurture them is to bake their breads. This recipe has only 6 cups of bread but makes two enormous loaves- or 3 smaller ones- the likes of which I've never seen before. That and the secret ingredient of maple syrup were big points in its favor. Here are photos from two recent batches of Brown Bagger Bread from Bread Machine Magic by Linda Rehberg and Lois Conway.
Can you see why Fidget called this one the mushroom loaf? Since I've never had a bread machine I never imagined I would like bread recipes from a bread machine book but I am so glad my friend Lacey shared this one with me. I just might have to get the book. The only adjustment is that it gives no temperature or baking time so I had to guess. But I tried 375 degrees for 30 minutes and it's been a winner.

God delights in giving His children good things just like a parent enjoys cherishing and lavishing gifts on their children. One of the best things about being a mom and wife is doing things that delight my kid and her daddy, The Pres. This daily bread reminds us of God's love and how he treasures us. And how very short a time it will be until we are rejoicing with Him in Heaven.


  1. yum! I adore making (and eating!) homemade bread. I read this post yesterday I think and it inspired me to make a double batch of my regular whole wheat bread today so I had a loaf to share with a neighbor...
    I was hoping you were going to share your recipe! But I guess I will have to check the library for the book now. :)

  2. I don't think I'm allowed to give it out otherwise I would. :) Glad you're baking. I just gave my 2nd loaf to Grandma, who was here on a short visit. I think bread makes the very best present!

  3. oh I understand - copyrights and all that! :) It's a good excuse for a trip to the library for me! Speaking of books - bread reminds me of Bread and Jam for Frances... we have fallen in love with the Frances books and her endearingly contrary personality lately.
